all postcodes in M26 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M26 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M26 2BD 13 12 53.568119 -2.307987
M26 2BN 23 2 53.566794 -2.316508
M26 2BY 13 0 53.562312 -2.31933
M26 2DL 1 1 53.568488 -2.311417
M26 2DQ 6 0 53.564033 -2.317682
M26 2DT 1 1 53.563571 -2.325967
M26 2EW 1 0 53.571497 -2.319912
M26 2FR 1 1 53.569592 -2.309555
M26 2FU 14 0 53.56394 -2.318934
M26 2GA 4 0 53.571383 -2.30164
M26 2GB 19 3 53.565311 -2.309536
M26 2GD 12 0 53.570533 -2.303446
M26 2GE 32 0 53.568757 -2.305653
M26 2GF 25 0 53.569896 -2.302883
M26 2GG 3 0 53.563232 -2.31825
M26 2GJ 28 0 53.564761 -2.31805
M26 2GL 39 1 53.571556 -2.3033
M26 2GN 21 3 53.570111 -2.303337
M26 2GP 25 0 53.570916 -2.304793
M26 2GQ 5 0 53.56466 -2.318532